Insolvency Service

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Updates to Form RP14A (19 April 2022)


"The Redundancy Payments Service are introducing an expanded RP14A for use from 19 April 2022.

 The new RP14A Excel template and updated guidance are available to download on GOV.UK.

From 19 April, you will need to use the new template and we will not be able to accept any previous versions of the template.

We have added 5 new fields to the form based on feedback from the insolvency profession and information we require to process claims. The new fields are:

  • Column 5a – Is the claimant a company director (yes/no)
  • Column 12 – Is the claimant entitled to redundancy pay (yes/no)
  • Column 13 – Is the claimant entitled to notice pay (yes/no)
  • Column 14 – Does the claimant owe the employer any money (£0.00’s)
  • Column 16 – Average hours worked per week (to one decimal place)

Developers of commercial IP software products are aware of these changes and have confirmed they have updated their software accordingly.

 If you have any queries about this update, contact [email protected]."



Ben LuxfordBen Luxford
Head of Technical and Stakeholder Relations
020 7566 4218

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