The latest COVID-19 contingency arrangements for the restructuring and insolvency profession.
The Dear Trustee letter from the AIB anounced that it will end some of the changes to business processes and policies given the First Minister’s announcement that the Scottish Government hopes to remove legal coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic restrictions from 9 August 2021. The changes will take effect from 30 August 2021, unless notified otherwise. Changes include Bankruptcy, Protected Trust Deeds, Debt Arrangement Schemes and ongoing communications. View
A guidance document has been issued outlining restrictions to the services of Sheriff Officers within the five tiers of protection levels aligned to the Scottish Government’s Covid-19 guidelines. This new system has been sanctioned by the Directorate for Justice within the Scottish Government’s Civil Law and Legal System Division and it is expected that all sheriff officers should conform. View
R3’s Scottish Technical Committee has identified the insolvency processes and procedures that rely on the Scottish courts for progression. We think that that this is a comprehensive picture of the courts’ involvement in insolvency, and the extent to which insolvency is rooted in court procedure, and are members rely on the courts to progress their cases. View
The purpose of this guidance is to facilitate insofar as is possible the efficient disposal of court proceedings in the Court of Session during the ongoing Covid-19 emergency. View
*COVID-19 contingency arrangements* View
*COVID-19 contingency arrangements* View