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Read about our members' career journies and how R3 has played a roll in supporting their success, as well as how they have been apart of our success.


Joesph Curl, Barrister, 9 Stone Buildings, R3 Council member

R3 has been a huge benefit to my professional life. I was invited to go on the General Technical Committee fairly soon after I joined, and then about a year later I stood for Council and was elected. It's like a lot of things in life: the more you put in, the more you get out. The opportunities to network, pick up market intelligence or gain new bits of knowhow are unparalleled. I particularly like the way that R3 enables licensed IPs, lawyers and others in the restructuring community to find common ground and exchange ideas on equal terms. Without R3, it would be all too easy for the different elements of the industry to take an insular view. Apart from the practical professional benefit, I also find playing a full part in R3 a lot of fun and very interesting. 

Frances Coulson, Head of Insolvency & Litigation at Moon Beever LLP, Chair R3 Fraud Group; R3 Council member

R3 plays a vital role for the profession holding government and the civil service to account, lobbying and educating parliamentarians to maintain and improve the insolvency framework in the UK. R3 also plays a great role in the media relationship for the profession. When I was President we had had a run of bad press -portraying IPs as funeral directors etc; I saw at first hand the difference in perception and public persona for the profession that R3 made and continues to make.  R3 has a massive input into technical issues for insolvency and also works on stakeholder relationships, again, educating a wide range of interested parties and liaising between IPs and creditors and others so that effective working relationships are maintained and improved. R3 needs the support and participation of its members-should I say R3 needs YOU! 

Duncan Swift, Moore UK, Partner Corporate Advisory Services, R3 President 2019-20

I have been an R3 member for nearly 30 years and I will keep coming back as I have found R3 is more than just a great place for networking and education to assist any individual's career development. R3 is the only organisation truly promoting and protecting the interests of all UK insolvency and restructuring professionals to actually impact on the 'why', 'what' and 'how' we do and should do our work. R3 is the 'go to' organisation for politicians, journalists and other stakeholders wanting to better understand what our profession does and the value it delivers to the UK economy. If there is only one membership association you can join, R3 is it.


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