Dan Sutch
Associate Director, Grant Thornton UK LLP
Dan has over 10 years' experience of fraud investigations, asset tracing and digital forensics.
He focuses on applying technology to maximise the intelligence value of open-source data. This has included developing Grant Thornton UK LLP’s digital asset tracing capability to drive investigation and recovery of cryptocurrencies, NFTs and other blockchain tokens.
Recent projects have involved supporting successful applications for disclosure and freezing orders, made against organised fraudsters and served on centralised exchanges, in order to effect recoveries.
Outside of crypto, Dan supports Grant Thornton’s Insolvency, Forensics & Recovery teams with intelligence gathering tasks arising out of contentious insolvencies, disputes and internal investigations.
Where specialist or local enquiries are required, Dan manages a network of investigators and consultants to deliver critical human intelligence and observations from sources ‘on-the-ground’.
27 February 2023
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