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R3 Blog


Understanding the restructuring plan: The latest insolvency solution

Understanding the restructuring plan: The latest insolvency solution

11 January 2024

Introduced as part of the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act (CIGA) 2020 and covered by Part 26A of the Companies Act 2006, restructuring plans are the latest insolvency solution, giving company directors another avenue to consider when exploring their rescue and recovery options.

Four takeaways from the 2023 Restructuring Forum

Corporate Insolvency
Four takeaways from the 2023 Restructuring Forum

20 December 2023

In this blog we share some key takeaways from R3’s first in person Restructuring Forum.

Restructuring Plans and HMRC: Recent Developments

Members' News
Restructuring Plans and HMRC: Recent Developments

23 November 2023

Lisa Linklater KC and Hateema Zia of Exchange Chambers look at the newest of the corporate insolvency procedures, and how HMRC’s relationship with it has changed since it came into force in June 2020...

R3's parliamentary engagement in 2021 (video)

Corporate Insolvency
R3's parliamentary engagement in 2021 (video)

07 January 2022

R3's parliamentary engagement led to the profession's views being raised over 20 times during debates in both the House of Commons and House of Lords, with the key mentions included in the video within this post. 

The Fair Business Banking APPG’s insolvency report: R3’s views

R3 Blog
The Fair Business Banking APPG’s insolvency report: R3’s views

22 September 2021

This blog post sets out R3’s response to the APPG’s report and recommendations – including those that could help to make a positive difference to the current framework – while also highlighting some of the areas where we feel the report doesn’t get it right.

CVAs: Necessary tools for business rescue

Corporate Insolvency
CVAs: Necessary tools for business rescue

21 January 2021

Once more, Company Voluntary Arrangements (CVAs) are in the spotlight, with several high-profile cases currently in the news. Taking some recent critical comments about the CVA process at face value might lead a layperson to assume that this business rescue tool is critically flawed. While there is room for improvement, it is important to consider this issue with the full picture in view, as we set out below.

Corporate insolvency: How new additions to the toolkit stack up

Corporate Insolvency
Corporate insolvency: How new additions to the toolkit stack up

25 September 2020

A brief overview of the new business rescue procedures introduced by the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act, and the existing corporate insolvency landscape...

R3’s member survey on corporate insolvency and COVID-19: The profession’s experience so far

Corporate Insolvency
R3’s member survey on corporate insolvency and COVID-19: The profession’s experience so far

13 July 2020

R3 surveyed our members in early to mid May, to find out how the profession was finding levels of demand for its services, on both the personal and the corporate insolvency fronts...

R3’s Press, Policy and Public Affairs Update June 2020

Corporate Insolvency
R3’s Press, Policy and Public Affairs Update June 2020

03 July 2020

Read an update on everything R3's Press, Policy and Public Affairs team have been up to in June 2020...

Stuart McBrideStuart McBride
Senior Communications Manager
020 7566 4214
Amelia FranklinAmelia Franklin
Campaigns and Communications Executive
0207 566 4203

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