2024 Richard Turton Award winner’s paper published
04 December 2024
Congratulations to the 2024 Richard Turton Award Emily Onyango from Adili Group on the publication of her paper: “Financing Corporate Rescue in Kenya: The Case for a Corporate Rescue Fund”.
R3 is a proud partner in the Award, which is presented in memory of Richard Turton, an insolvency practitioner who played a key role in the formation of R3, INSOL, INSOL Europe and the Insolvency Practitioners’ Association.
The Award provides an opportunity for an insolvency and restructuring professional aged 35 or under from a developing nation to publish a paper on an issue relating to the profession, and present it at INSOL Europe Congress as a guest of the Associations. Our Past President Nicky Fisher was a member of this year’s judging panel and we thank her for her support.
To view a list of past award winners, visit: https://www.r3.org.uk/about-r3-insolvency-restructuring/about-r3/the-richard-turton-award/

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