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Property Industry Views on Restructuring Plans - In Conversation With

Complimentary member webinar - We are pleased to invite you to our latest free to members "In Conversation With" webinar. 


Join Dominic Curran (British Property Federation), Gareth Williams (Land Securities) and R3's CEO Caroline Sumner for our next free to members webinar. The session will discuss Restructuring Plans, what landlords think about them and how they think they could be improved.

Book your place now - joining instructions will be provided two days before the live session.

Membership Category Price Excluding VAT
R3 Member FREE
Non-Member £35


When and Where
For more information please contact
Miya Hukins
Miya Hukins
020 7566 4229
Nicola PogsonNicola Pogson
Senior Events Manager
0203 987 9918
Mercedes LopezMercedes Lopez
Senior Events Organiser
Richard BroekmanRichard Broekman
Senior Events Organiser
0203 989 8774
Amina UndreAmina Undre
Events Organiser
020 7566 4227
Lily WoodLily Wood
Events Organiser
020 7566 4220

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